22 November 2022

Brussels, 22 November 2022 - After winning the call for tenders launched last Summer by the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB) to develop a communication strategy and awareness campaigns, The Oval Office has created its first campaign. With the slogan "OK is not always OK!", the campaign aims to make Belgians aware of the dangerous applications infecting their smartphones and to help them better secure their mobiles in a simple way.
The campaign consists of a TV, radio, social media and online video campaign, a native content campaign and editorial collaborations with Inspecteur 42 (RTBF) and RTL. Partners can download the campaign material from the website.
Mobile malware continues to proliferate
Criminals and fraudsters are increasingly developing viruses that infect smartphones when users inadvertently download an untrusted application. Last year, for example, the Flubot virus managed to infect more than 11,000 smartphones in a few days.
OK is not always OK!
The most important way to protect yourself is to be vigilant and pay attention when you receive an email or SMS asking you to download an application. There is a good chance that you are installing a dangerous application, or even a virus, via an unsecured application shop. Therefore, only install applications through approved app stores. All the tips can be found at
Client: CCB - Centrum voor Cybersecurity België
Contact: Katrien Eggers
Agency: The Oval Office
Account: Line Reynaert, Céline De Vreese
Strategy: Bart De Leeuw, Marijke Dubois
Creation: Gino Keymeulen, Alex Skim
Production: DPLMT
Design: Ellen Breckpot, Zoë Lepage, Jon Troch
Photography: DPLMT
Digital: Egon Buyck
Media: The Oval Office
Celine Devreese